速報APP / 工具 / TipSí - Tip and Bill Splitter

TipSí - Tip and Bill Splitter



檔案大小:28.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


TipSí - Tip and Bill Splitter(圖1)-速報App

TipSí is the Ultimate tip and bill splitting calculator for your Apple Watch. No need to pull out your iPhone when you can discreetly calculate a tip or split your bill right from your wrist. The no hassle bill splitting features allow quick adjustments when one or more in your party needs to pay a different amount or when you decide to pick up the full tip. Rounding your tip amount up or down is easy with a quick context menu selection.

Bill splitting can be awkward between friends or in a group, TipSí makes it simple and quick. There are situations where splitting bills can get complicated but with TipSí it is easy to enter a specific amount for each payer with the other amounts automatically updated to reflect the total.


- Automatic tip calculation.

- Fast tip percentage change.

- Set default tip percentage.

- Tip rounding to even amount up or down.

- Quick and easy bill splitting.

- Manual amount override for individual on bill split.

- Split calculations where one pays the full tip.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch